Executive Standing Desk turns any desk into a standing desk


Despite the solid construction, the company offers only a 30-day warranty against defects and assembly. Although Uncaged Ergonomics is a small company, the 30-day policy for problems not caused by the buyer seems rather restrictive. On the other hand, the company offers replacement legs for $3 each, which indicates it isn't trying to make profits on parts.

I recommend the individual stands for anyone who regularly needs to set up a good place to work where the available furniture or surfaces are poor options--assuming toting a collapsed stand is worth the effort. But I really like the Executive Standing Desk combo as an inexpensive way to try out the standing-desk experience without purchasing a new desk. Its modular design also means you can move one or both stands and work in a sitting position. It's a workable solution for varying your working position without the customary high price tag.