Executive Standing Desk turns any desk into a standing desk

Finding a stable surface at the right height for comfortable work is always a challenge. WorkEZ line of portable, adjustable laptop (and tablet and reading) stands provides a solid range of flexibility with a few tradeoffs. And if you've ever wanted to try a without spending the money on a new desk, the company offers relatively inexpensive packages for modifying your current desk for standing use. These flexible packages also let you switch easily between standing and sitting without adjusting a tabletop.

I reviewed the $130 combo, which consists of the $65 (for your laptop), the $55 (for your keyboard), and the $20 (for your mouse or other input device). You can swap the Professional for the company's shorter $49 for a bundle savings of $5.

The Executive and Professional stands each comprise a flat platform with a pair of three-segment, articulated legs that each lock--independently--at 15-degree intervals. (The Light model's legs each have two segments, so they can't extend as much.) The stands are designed to work in as many positions as you can extend and lock the legs while maintaining balance--which is quite a few. You can use either stand, or both stands together, to create a portable, ersatz standing desk on top of a regular desk or table (laptop only, laptop plus keyboard, or keyboard and lightweight display), or to provide a solid work base while sitting on a chair or couch. (The company's glossy brochure shows people reading and engaged in other activities, none of which look comfortable to this 40-something fellow, who also finds many of Apple's posed positions for iPad use to be ridiculous.)

The difference between the two stands included in the Executive bundle are the maximum laptop size supported, the stand width, and the maximum height. Uncaged Ergonomics recommends no larger than a 16-inch laptop for the Professional's 16-inch-wide platform, while the Executive's 18-inch platform accommodates a 17-inch computer. (Each platform is 11 inches deep.) Any size keyboard will work with either component. The Professional extends no higher than 18 inches and has 18 inches of space between its legs, while the Executive rises to 24 inches with 22 inches between legs. I found when working on a couch or bed with just the Professional that it was a tight fit, even though I sit comfortably in a normal airline seat.

Confusingly, some of Uncaged Ergonomics' documentation claims the stands support up to 13 pounds each, while other docs say 20 pounds. Still, 13 lbs is more than enough for any laptop, and even many LCD and LED displays.