Enterprise Social Software: What Businesses Need to Do Next


According to the report, 39 percent of people who use social software say they use it because it's easy to use and relevant. "The top reason why information workers are using social tools is because the barriers to using them are low and they solve their business problems," Keitt writes.

The number-two reason is because "they're an efficient means for accomplishing tasks," with 38 percent of the vote.


"The fact that it's so close in importance to ease of use solidifies the fact that these busy workers, while most likely to use the newest technologies, will only do so if the tools have a perceptible, positive impact on their work," Keitt says.

And while these early adopters are likeliest to adopt social software, the report found that usage among them is still limited. More than half of those surveyed (55 percent), say they are only using one social software tool, which is interesting, Keitt says, because venders tend to offer inclusive social platforms that consist of .