E-readers: To be open or not to be open -- that is the question


The book, a novel by David Wroblewski entitled "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle," can be viewed over a PC's Web browser, or from a Kindle, iPhone or Sony Reader device. The actual Texas Book Festival, one of the largest in the nation, takes place at the Texas State Capital on Saturday and Sunday.

Heidi Marquez Smith, executive director of the festival, said the AllAccess technology indicates how e-books are transforming reading. "We believe e-books ... can increase the audience of book readers and support many literacy efforts," she said in a statement.

The bookseller Barnes & Noble supports delivery of books from its e-book store to a variety of devices, but has also developed its own e-reader, , which runs on the Google-backed Android operating system and will allow wireless downloads via AT&T's wireless network. The Nook is set to debut later in November.

When it announced the Nook, Barnes & Noble also committed to the open ePub reading format, which Gartner Inc. analyst Allen Weiner has said will give consumers a wider of choices than with the Kindle.

The Nook will also allow those who buy e-books to lend them for two weeks at a time to other e-book readers on a variety of devices.