Digital Astrology: What Type of Tech User Are You?


The final grouping, the Off the Network Crowd, is completely disconnected when it comes to modern technology. They don't have cell phones or Internet access and don't care. They might have had one or the other in the past, but when either something stopped working or the bills started to seem too unreasonable, they let it go without ever looking back.

Total amount of population: 14 percent

So...What Are You?

I'm proud to say I'm a certified Digital Collaborator. (And yes, I've already ordered new business cards with that designation.) To be fair, the majority of PC World readers are likely to hit that category or the one below it, but we're obviously a skewed (though quite charming) sample of the population.

Think you know which kind of user you are? Good -- now, find out for sure. to take the Pew Center's interactive quiz (it only takes a minute or two to complete), and let us know where you rank. If you can't figure out how to make the cotton-pickin' page work -- well, I think we know which category is yours.