Brazil club selects South African security solution


"When a valid ticket is scanned, the ticket is validated against the central database in 0,5 seconds and the turnstile allows access. If a ticket is passed back through the fence and an attempt is made to use that ticket again, the turnstile will block access and alert the security staff.

"All transactions are displayed in real time on the MIS for policing and security purposes," he says.

According to Wessels, Sports Club Interna'ional will enjoy many benefits by working with the Dex system. The cost for ticket printing will be cheaper, and, since the data is electronic, it is not possible to copy tickets or use them illegally.

"Dex adds a feature to print a 'copy-protected' symbol on the card that will provide proof of authenticity in a case like this," adds Wessels.

The other major benefit from working with this system is that the stadium will not lose out on revenue, since no person can enter without a valid ticket. "The SafeVenue copy-protected tickets, combined with the SafeVenue intelligent turnstiles, ensure that Sports Club Interna'ional has a complete capture of revenue, i.e. fans cannot enter the stadium without paying," stresses Wessels.