Black Hat Hackers Highlights: Awards, Attacks, and Apple


The researchers also showed how vulnerabilities found in the terminal could be used to fool store clerks into thinking a purchase had been approved by a bank when it hadn't.

Near Field Communications (NFC), an up and coming technology used for also attracted the attention of Black Hat researchers. Accuvant researcher Charlie Miller showed how a could be used to compromise the information in an Android phone simply by brushing against it.

A tradition at Black Hat is the Pwnie Awards, which recognize achievements and failures during the 12 month period leading up to the event. One of the award winners this year was the who developed a scheme that used Windows Update to deliver malware to PCs. Not surprisingly, the authors of Flame did not accept their award when it was announced.

A first at Black Hat this year was the appearance of at the show. The presentation, though, was a letdown. After rehashing the information in a white paper on iOS security released by the company in May, Security Platform Engineer Dallas de Atlas bolted from the forum without answering any questions.  

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