Apple, Samsung Ready Closing Arguments in Patent Case


Also this week, Apple made a move to keep secret some financial and marketing documents that the presiding federal judge in the trial, Lucy Koh, . The documents include Apple sales figures identified by country. Apple historically releases sales figures only by region.

Koh denied a request made by Apple to seal those documents. Apple has asked Koh to delay making the documents public until the company can appeal the ruling.

Samsung, meanwhile, has been attacking Apple's originality.

A parade of expert witnesses cited iPhone features such as "rubberbanding" -- the way the screen bounces on an iPhone or iPad when the end of a file is reached, and "snapback" -- the way the screen stops scrolling when a user arrives at the end of a collection of images.

The jury of seven men and two women in the case also heard testimony from a senior designer at Samsung about how hard they worked on making original icons for the company's phone and tablet products. Apple claims Samsung ripped off its iPhone icons.