Apple's patent power play, iPad challenge to publishers


So lose the presses, stop buying paper and ink, stop buying delivery trucks and paying for maintenance and gas. Use the money to hire some copy editors, and cash in on the incredible pent-up demand for full-text content. It's not that hard -- just do it.

Or stop whining.

Wired's Ryan Singel wrote in with a correction to my item on cyber fear-mongering (): Red Bull is not the rocket fuel behind , as I had suggested. He's strictly a Darjeeling Tea kind of guy. He adds that his article was also driven by his "longstanding aversion to [former National Intelligence Director] Michael McConnell's convenient exaggerations."

On that subject, Cringe fan C. W. has this to add: a genuine combat veteran of a real live bullets flying, bombs bursting kind of war, I find all this BS about "war on drugs" or "cyber war" to be faintly amusing and simultaneously somewhat offensive. If your life is not on the line son, it just, is not, a war! SO, as usual a vote for the Cringe viewpoint, it's about the dollar$ $tupid