Apple's patent power play, iPad challenge to publishers


The best way to keep market share and brand recognition is through innovation, not litigation. Competition should bring out the best in all involved in the game. Perhaps Apple has forgotten it's roots. ... We are a litigious society who would rather sue you for your buck, than go out and make our own. Now I know why technology cost so damn much!

Especially when it comes from Apple (ahem). Finally, Cringe reader John Oram adds that he's on the prior art preceding many of Apple's patents (including that of ViewTouch).

Reader L. C. has a bone to pick with me (and the publishing industry) over whether readers are willing to pay for quality content on a platform like the Apple iPad (). I'm skeptical; L. C. says I'm full of it:

I'm a fairly Internet/computer savvy consumer, and I'd jump at the chance to pay to receive the full-text content of my daily newspaper ... downloaded into my iPod ... But nobody will sell it to me....

Someday, someone is actually going to try selling full-text content online, and they'll get rich (because there are millions of folks like me out there, just waiting to reach for a credit card).