Air hockey games for iPhone


As I mentioned, Arcade Hockey is free, though it was a paid app when I originally tested the game. The change reflect's . You can upgrade from within Arcade Hockey to remove the ads, unlock longer game options, higher difficulty settings, and global high scores.

from looks like it should be the best game of this trio. Its viewing angle is just above the table-top, so the game version looks bigger and the puck and paddles look smaller. When there's a goal, you see the word "goal" flash on a more realistic-looking sign. It feels like you get a better view of the action and more time to react.

In truth, though, the game suffers from a poor physics engine because the puck can behave erratically, careening off side walls or glancing off your paddle in ways that make the game much less enjoyable.

There is a tournament mode with 8 opponents, and a high-score board (both for your iPhone and for other players). Audio is just okay, with a clink-clink sound that is not quite as realistic as Acceleroto Air Hockey. World Cup has three soundtracks, and all of them are a bit lame--possibly on purpose, to match the goofy '70s dance music you hear at the mall. (A free is available to give you a limited flavor of the full version.)

I prefer games with long-term playability, and Acceleroto's Air Hockey is the only one that held my attention after a few matches. It all comes down to physics: even if the game has extra features, the enjoyment factor seems linked inextricably to whether the game plays like the real thing. And Acceleroto Air Hockey comes the closest.