A new app lets you send pictures via sound


It works just as well on radio, on podcasts, in videos and any situation where sound is involved.

For example, the casually throws in some chirps. And if you have the app running while you watch the video, the picture in the video is magically transferred to your phone.

You can hold a phone up to a microphone in a crowded auditorium -- or embed the sound file in your slides -- and everyone in the room can get a copy of your slides.

I tested the concept of using Chirp for mass communication on a live netcast this week called .

I joined the show via Skype video all the way from Greece. To demonstrate Chirp, I held my up to the microphone, and let the app chirp a picture of my sister's dog. People in the California studio got it instantly. They then re-chirped it, and one of the hosts of the show, himself Skyping in from Massachusetts, got the picture, as did the studio audience and the people watching the live-streaming video online. In literally a few seconds, I transmitted a photograph across the world to thousands of strangers. The video recording can transmit it to tens of thousands more.