7 Ways Tim Cook's Apple Can Serve Small Business Better


1. Keep Doing What You're Doing Right

Let's be clear--there's no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Businesses that choose Macs do so in spite of greater initial acquisition costs, potential compatibility challenges and a variety of other issues. So there's no need for Apple to make a dramatic turn away from its current product line. Apple doesn't need--and absolutely doesn't want--to have way more Macs in the market at the expense of their precious and envied margins.

And don't want to get cheap hunks of plastic that look like they just had an Apple logo slapped on them, instead of being part of a beautiful and integrated design. Apple doesn't need to get into the race-to-the-bottom to be more successful in the small business space. But there are some things it does have to refine.

2. Apple Store Retail--Serious Business

Apple has already had some success with its , introducing dedicated business sales teams and that helps businesses get up and running with a new Mac as well as providing ongoing support. However, there's an odd paradox. In talking to a local Apple reseller about the impact a newly opened Apple Store was having on his business, he hit me with something just short of the famous quote from Yankees legend Yogi Berra--when it comes to business, "Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded."