20 reasons why Vista will be your next OS


Is there ever enough?

It's just too early to tell whether Microsoft has built enough security into Windows Vista to truly make it safe. However, there can be no doubt that Microsoft has significantly raised the security bar in scores of ways; Windows Vista is vastly more secure than any other version of Windows. The wildcard is this: Next to Windows XP Service Pack 2, Vista is the only significant shot Microsoft is firing at the rapidly expanding multiple-million-dollar spyware/Trojan/phishing "business." With Windows users around the world edging toward the one billion mark, the universe of targets for these scams is huge. Bottom line: There's going to be money spent to fight Microsoft's protections. Microsoft knows that. It's trying to lay the foundation for other protections yet to come.

The one thing I'm confident about is that Microsoft is fully engaged on the problem. And this is one company that once it sinks its teeth into something like this, it doesn't give up.

2, Power & performance

New Sleep mode plus fast start-up and shutdown