20 April Fools' Must-See Websites From Google to Sony to YouTube

Web surfers are getting a glimpse of fake Google products, pictures of cats instead of ads and a purported Sony laptop the size of a quarter -- all spurred by April Fools' Day.

With so many amusing tricks, falsehoods and fabrications on the Internet, it could be hard to find the best ones.

PCWorld has done the work for you. Here are 20 website gems you'll find online Sunday for some great entertainment and fun.

Google Racing

You're probably familiar with Google's self-driving cars that have already logged more than 200,000 miles on American roadways. But now co-founder Sergey Brin announced that the company is taking that technology to the next level by forming a new racing division in a partnership with NASCAR.

The announcement looks so legit it has had some people wondering if it’s for real. It isn’t, of course.