You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Privacy


But any update is better than none at all, and the only way we're going to make things better is to support the organizations that make personal privacy a priority.

"We'll definitely be pushing for people to write and pick up the phone, call their lawmakers and express their support when the time is right." said Rebecca Jeschke, Media Relations Director of the . The EFF is part of the , and they've been working directly with Leahy's office in amending the ECPA to reflect what constitutes unreasonable search and seizure in the 21st century.

So if you take data privacy seriously, consider supporting groups that fight to expand civil liberties and personal privacy rights; the EFF is just one member of a consortium of corporations and privacy advocates that has been fighting to modernize the ECPA since their formation in 2010, and they need our support to succeed.