You don't know tech: The InfoWorld news quiz


Correct Answer: Motorola

According to YouGov, which surveys 2,000 people a day for its BrandIndex, loyalty toward Apple dropped from a peak score of 48 points earlier this month to just 22, putting it behind Motorola but still ahead of BlackBerry. Apparently those Verizon pro-Droid and anti-AT&T ads are working. Then again, when consumer preferences shift that dramatically from week to week, can you really call it "loyalty"?

Question 9: Yet another spammer is headed to the slammer. Which of the following Spam Kings just received a four-year stretch for mail fraud?

Correct Answer: Alan Ralsky

Ralsky got nabbed for a pump-and-dump stock trading scheme. He plead guilty to mail fraud, wire fraud, and violating the CAN-SPAM act last June, but was just sentenced this week. The self-designated "Godfather of Spam" will be a guest of the Federal government for 51 months; here's hoping his cellmate is a overly friendly ex-biker named Tiny.