Write Space Brings Distraction-Free Writing to Chrome


You can also modify Write Space's background color, text color, line spacing, font selection, and so on. This is done by right-clicking the app icon and choosing Options. Within that Options menu you'll also find the option to import text files, which is helpful for continuining work you've already started elsewhere.

As for saving your work, Write Space does this automatically, locally, in the background. That means you don't have to worry about saving; again, you can just focus on writing. Even better, it makes your document available even when you're offline.

The hitch, of course, is that you're limited to one document at a time. And if you want to export your text, your only option is to select it all, copy it, and then paste it elsewhere.

No matter. If you're looking for a clutter-free environment in which to put your thoughts on paper (so to speak), Write Space can't be beat. And if you're not a Chrome user, check out the very similiar . (Alas, there doesn't appear to be a Word 2010-compatible version as of yet.) Of course, there are at your disposal, so you may find something else you like better.

If you already have, hit the comments and tell me about it. And if you've tried one of these tools and found you can't live with such bare-bones text editing, tell me about that, too.