Women in IT: Catherine Jaktman


Often the most challenging part of a project is working with a client that is uncertain of what they want, but they know they need to change to move forward. I have always found IT to be a challenging career as you have to understand the business side to deliver a solution. Everything is changing; there are always new service delivery models for organizations and new technology solutions.

In addition to your role at Nordic Technology, you are also the ACS vice president and chairperson, and you lecture at the University of Canberra and the Australian Defence Force. How do you fit it all in?

Being very organized and drinking lots of coffee! But honestly, I feel very privileged to be part of the ACS, and thoroughly enjoy my work. The ACS has always provided me with great networking and professional development opportunities. In a national role with the ACS, I have the opportunity to get involved in national activities such as working on projects to encourage young Australians to study IT, and assisting with offering scholarships through the ACS Foundation to disadvantaged students who want to study IT. It is very rewarding work.

The lecturing work is also very exciting and allows me to continue to learn. I enjoy transferring my knowledge to students, whilst often demonstrating the funny side of working in IT.

What's an example of where you have been able to use humour in your work?