Will the Smartphone Replace the PC?


The Atrix is a neat design, and an important concept, but is this really going to replace the PC? A major shortcoming is the inability to run any actual desktop applications beyond a Web browser. I don't think anyone needs this technology in order to play full screen. What would be more exciting to me would be to run full-fledged desktop apps from a docked mobile handset.

Remember that lone AutoCAD designer in my café? He is a testament to the future of the PC. While the masses may eventually abandon PCs in favor of ultra-portable, cloud-based docking smartphones to read news, the creative professional will always need the power, offline storage, and screen real estate of a PC.

Will the PC die completely? No. Will it replace the PC as most people's primary source of consuming the Internet? Eventually.

Mike Keller is GeekTech's resident iOS developer/nerd.