WikiLeaks launches Web War III


* It seems Libyan strongman Muammar el-Qaddafi has a voluptuous blonde Ukrainian travel mate who doubles as his "senior nurse." (Hey, when you live in a desert and want to stay fresh, you require a lot of sponge baths.)

* Ali Abdullah Saleh, president of conservative Muslim Yemen, apparently appreciates a snort of fine American whiskey now and again. (But he's quite devout about drinking it on his knees while facing east.)

* The United States suspects Argentine President Cristina Fernandez may be off her rocker. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly wanted to find out if Fernandez was taking medication. You know, you ask the same question of a lot of world leaders.

That certainly will result in some awkward silences at the next state dinner, assuming the White House can find anyone willing to RSVP.

Meanwhile, a self-appointed "hacktavist" known only as yesterday, taking the site offline for a few hours before . It seems all the good supervillian nicknames were taken.