Wi-Fi access for retail: Tips on how to address key challenges


b) Adequate coverage and monitoring of the store's airspace to detect potential threats and subsequently generate the corresponding alerts and reports.

c) Availability of first line of defense to curb potential damages from a possible intrusion.

d) Low frequency of false positive and negative threats to efficiently utilize the deployed manpower and resources.

In fact, the published in July 2009 spell out many wireless security requirements. There are universal PCI wireless requirements and still others when Wi-Fi forms a part of the Cardholder Data Environment.

The path to PCI compliance can be tedious, messy, time consuming and frustrating. Traditional enterprise Wi-Fi solutions do not cater to the specific needs of retail, so retail Wi-Fi access solution should have provisions to continuously and automatically meet the applicable PCI wireless compliance requirements. They should also have the ability to schedule, generate and deliver PCI wireless compliance reports.