Why I'm Keeping My Facebook Page After All


But, having a Facebook Page separate from my personal Facebook profile means maintaining two separate Facebook personas. At times, there are posts that I think are of interest to both my personal social network and the followers of my Facebook Page, but sharing with both audiences means posting twice. And, posting twice means that the comments are separate as well, which means both groups potentially lose out on insights and points of view from the other.

Using Subscriptions, I can just choose whether to share a given post with my personal social network, or I can share it with "Public", in which case all of those who are subscribed to me will see it as well. It lets me accomplish the same goal with one Facebook persona, and it lets both my personal social network and my public subscribers interact together on posts they can both see.

For Subscriber / Followers

For those who currently "Like" my Facebook Page, there is really no significant difference using Facebook Subscribe. Assuming I post the same links and content to "Public" on my personal Facebook Profile as I do on my Facebook Page, the end result is the same either way.

It may also mean getting more diverse content from me, though. On my Facebook Page, I am more likely to keep it purely professional and only share my own posts, or at least technology-related posts. On my personal Facebook profile I might also share posts that are not tech related, but also aren't really personal--like posts about sports, or politics, and other topics.