Which iPad should I buy?


If you don't use iTunes Match, your music library can take up a lot of space, too. And if you sync your photos and movies to the iPad, now we're talking serious gigabytes. Quite simply, in my case 16GB is too confining on an iOS device these days. With iTunes Match and aggressive photo deletion (after syncing those photos to my Mac), I find that 32GB works fine for me right now. I only hope that Apple increases the iPad's base storage before even 32GB gets too tight.

Adding cellular data options to your iPad also adds $130 to its cost. A $499 16GB fourth-generation iPad costs $629 with a cellular option added on--and that's before you start paying for the data itself. Whether you want a cellular-equipped iPad will depend on how you intend to use it. I do just fine with my laptop and its Wi-Fi-only access to the Internet, so I've never been let down by a Wi-Fi-only iPad. My third-generation iPad has cellular connectivity, and I've never used the feature in the half-year I've owned the device.

But you might not be like me. If you want your iPad online wherever you are, remember that--as with storage--built-in cellular connectivity is a now-or-never option. If you'll ever want it, you need to buy an iPad that supports it.

In short, if you want an iPad and can afford an iPad, buy one. If you crave portability and don't sweat Retina displays--or if budget is a key concern--the iPad mini is your best option. Don't choose the iPad 2.