What was your first mobile phone?

We're in an age in which high-powered smartphones and mobile Internet access are rapidly becoming the norm. It hasn't always been this way -- if you're like many people, you may not have even owned a mobile phone five or ten years ago. Even if you did, it probably only handled voice, an address book, and simple text messaging.

But the humble mobile phone has come a long way since then. Later this month, the Standard is planning a special feature that examines some of the early mobile phone models from the 1990s and the beginning of this decade. To that end, we'd like to ask readers to take a trip down memory lane with us, and answer the following questions:

1) What was your first mobile phone (make and model)?

2) What were some of the most memorable qualities (specs, unusual features, cost, etc.)?

3) How did it change your life?

Those over the age of 30 will appreciate the changes brought by cellular telephones, because they are able to remember the mobile dark ages -- the pre-cell phone era that tied almost every adult to landlines and forced people into long stretches of isolation from family, friends, and colleagues.