Use your Mac without a mouse


Using Spotlight—or even more advanced third-party software like or —you can develop even more keyboard mojo. The key benefit of these utilities, in my view, is their ability to launch applications without taking time to reach for the mouse. I use Alfred, but the process is generally the same: trigger the utility with its keyboard shortcut (usually Command-Space or Control-Space), type the first few letters of its name, and then hit Return when the correct app appears.

You can also use those tools to run quick calculations. I trigger Alfred with Control-Space, then type in the numbers I need to crunch, like 156/3, and the answer displays instantly.

If you really want to keep your fingers on the keyboard at all times, you can actually use your number pad to move the mouse cursor. Go to the Universal Access pane in System Preferences, click the Mouse & Trackpad tab, and then turn on Mouse Keys. Then you can move your mouse—and even click—using .

Before you start depending on the keyboard more (and the mouse less), keyboard shortcuts can feel less intuitive than mousing around. But as you grow more accustomed to them, your improved computing speed will become undeniable. Be your own exterminator: get rid of the mouse when you can, and start working faster.