Use Microsoft Excel for (Nearly) Everything


Writing letters, however, is comparatively simple compared with what can create in Excel. She uses the program to create clip-art images, and she wrote a book showing how she does it. Gewand takes photos that she has scanned into Excel as references, and then draws them as clip art by assembling lots of filled shapes made with Excel's drawing tools. She has also used Excel to create two-page brochures and business cards. Her Website showcases a grab bag of unusual cases.

At , Todd Michael Edwards uses Excel to provide training for pilots around the world on planes ranging from regional jets to Boeing 747s. His company's cockpit mockups, created as Excel worksheets, show diagrams of the switches and indicators. The worksheets utilize comment boxes, which within cells provide pop-up details of what the lights and indicators do and what their different states mean.

It's a simple learning aid that can run on just about any computer and requires only an Excel viewer application to use, not the Microsoft program itself.