Under the Gavel: On all fronts


Samsung’s not the only Android licensee feeling some heat. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has voted to investigate Apple’s latest patent infringement claims against Taiwan-based HTC. The claims in question were and allege a violation of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 (or, if you prefer the more colorful title—and I do—the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act).

This isn’t the first ITC complaint that Apple has filed against HTC: Cupertino launched its offensive in ; in July, the ITC ruled that . One final complaint against HTC is pending, as is HTC’s .

It’s unclear exactly which patents are at issue in this particular complaint, but Apple has unsurprisingly asked for a ban on the import of HTC smartphones into the U.S.

Still notably absent in all the legal wrangling, however, is Google. The company’s Android operating system runs many of the smartphones and tablets manufactured by both HTC and Samsung. So far, though, Apple is playing the part of horror movie slasher, slowly whittling away the cast of characters one-by-one.