Twitter announces permissions change, frustrates developers


Back in March, Twitter famously (and controversially) . In kicking off that uproar, Sarver wrote:

...Developers ask us if they should build client apps that mimic or reproduce the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience. The answer is no.

That stance has already cost Mac users much further development of at least one popular Twitter client. On May 16--prior to Twitter's oAuth announcement--the developer of published announcing that he's stopped further development on Kiwi (save for bug fixes), because of his perception that "3rd party clients are not wanted" by Twitter. "Twitter," he wrote, "has been slowly chipping away at the fun" of making such clients. Today--again, --he wrote:

So glad I threw in the towel on Kiwi when I did. Wish I had given up on Twitter sooner.

Gedeon Maheux, the co-founder of the Iconfactory, which is the company behind Twitterrific, posted :