Tweet Marker shows Twitter client devs still innovating


"We're glad to help get things started," Hockenberry said, also via email. "We hope that Twitterrific is just the first (as is often the case)."

While timeline syncing isn't an entirely new feature-- and provide the same feature--both Hockenberry and Reece believe that Tweet Marker's real strength is that it's open to all.

"The real value is having something that works well across the entire Twitter ecosystem," said Hockenberry. "It's our belief that Tweet Marker will become more useful as more clients support it."

Reece concurs. "Although an app-specific sync service would be fine if you stick with the same app on all platforms, Twitter makes it so easy to try a new client that I'd love to pick my favorite app on each platform and know that they can work together when I switch devices."