The Promise of 4G


Currently, all three WiMax operators have coverage in key cities in the Philippines, with plans of branching out to other regions in the coming months.

Globe first launched its WiMax service in February 2009 in Cebu City. "Upon launch Globe had the first 2.5 Ghz WIMAX (802.16 e) broadband network in Southeast Asia," Estrada claimed, adding that they have already reached 100,000 subscribers in 60 provinces nationwide.

Smart's initial WiMax rollout, on the other hand, focused on the three key cities of Metro Manila, Metro Cebu, and Metro Davao, installing more than 500 base stations in 2010 and aiming for 1,800 stations by the first quarter of this year.

"We are including other key cities in our next rollouts," Bacoy says. "The long-term plan is to duplicate the vastness of our 3G coverage."