The Macalope Weekly: WWDC fallout


You kids remember Rob Enderle, don't you? The guy who gets pretty much everything about Apple wrong? So much so that he's earned himself the nickname "the mustache of misunderstanding"?

Sure you do. Well, this week .

"The question is whether they will use it for product launches," said Rob Enderle, president of the Enderle Analyst Group. "It appears the answer is no since they are signaling that not only will Jobs not be there, neither will the new phones." From the standpoint of consumers and even investors, he said, the developers conference isn't nearly as important as Macworld.

No product launches, no iPhones, and Macworld is more important than WWDC. Wow. It's hard to pack so much wrong into one paragraph. The Macalope tilts his antlers in your direction, Rob. You're a master.