The Macalope Weekly: Slippery Surface

Welcome, Microsoft Surface! Well, not really , since it doesn't come out for months. More like "Please accept this promise of being welcomed some time in the future!" Surely this will bring nothing but disaster for Apple products, from the iPad to the MacBook Air to iPod Socks. But competition is good! So is choice! What's not good is some of this analysis. Yeesh.

Even before the Surface was announced some pundits were trying to deliver a pink slip to the iPad.

According to PCWorld's Kathryn Noyes, a recent survey says .

Oh, no! Our iGod has iFailed us! Once again we see that there is nothing we can possess that Open Source software cannot take away! DAMN YOU, ANDROOOOOOOOOID!

Well ... uh ... should we bother clicking through to the survey to see what it really says? No. Right? Seriously, there's no way Katherine could be making open-source mountains out of survey mole-hills, right?