The Best Blu-ray Disc Players: Blu-Plate to Blu-Chip


It's still early in the life of Blu-ray discs--and the rollout of BD-Live--but one thing is for sure: The pristine picture and dazzling audio aren't the only things that will determine the future of the format. We expect to see more from BD-Live: All Twentieth-Century Fox titles, for example, now ship with a gateway to BD-Live functionality dormant on the disc. Whenever that studio so decides, it can launch extra features, even if they're just trailers for soon-to-be released films.

--Darren Gladstone

Legal Digital Copying Catches On

Want to make a legal portable version of your favorite flicks? Just look for the logo on your DVD or Blu-ray Disc.

Digital Copy started in late 2007. Twentieth Century Fox and Warner Bros., recognizing the value of embracing the digital revolution, each decided to offer an option for consumers to access a digital, portable version of a movie that's stored on the same DVD they've purchased to play in the living room. If consumers are given a fairly simple way to make legal copies of movies, the studios reasoned, they won't turn to the same kind of rampant, illicit copying and file sharing that has slaughtered the music industry.