The 10 Most Viral Super Bowl Ads



Planning whackings and munching on pancakes with whipped cream seemingly don't mix in Denny's Grand Slam 2009 Super Bowl commercial. Mobsters find themselves distracted by their smiling breakfasts, and then--bada bing!--in comes Denny's with an offer for a free "serious" meal. It turned out to be an offer viewers couldn't refuse: More than 2 million people streamed the spot.


Combine Conan O'Brien, a tight red construction vest, and a pair of bunny ears, and you have a foolproof formula for success. Bud Light somehow brought all of those elements together in a single Super Bowl ad, and now it's reaping the rewards. Conan's commercial comes in at number three with 2.1 million views. If only the were still around to share in the success...
