Sun's Brewin toasts Java


RB: I think between now and then, and we will probably start releasing it. As we verify that this code is unencumbered, we'll probably release it. So it won't be the whole [platform at once]... We will take pieces, whether it's the JVM [Java Virtual Machine] or Swing or something like that and do those as they become cleared... It won't all be done by next June. I think that we will have pieces of Java open-sourced by then. But I don't know whether all of it will be. It's a huge body of code.

IW: So it could be after that?

RB: In totality, yes. It took us five years to do Solaris [via open source], to give you an example.

IW: What will be the first thing released open source and when?

RB: We did GlassFish, which is Java EE 5. We did that, and as far as Java SE code base, I don't know yet... I believe that we will have components of Java released into open source within the year... But not the whole thing. I think the whole thing will take a little bit longer. I'll be glad to be wrong, and I think that most of the people who are involved in the open source activities would love to have the whole thing done as fast as possible.