Study: US government should encourage e-recycling


The study, which was conducted at the request of seven U.S. senators, concludes that the EPA should draft federal legislation that would create a "consistent, nationwide financing system that addresses the barriers to recycling and reuse."

The report also recommends that the EPA require federal agencies to participate in the Federal Electronics Challenge program and to buy only new electronic products that meet or exceed criteria for environmentally friendly devices.

John Stephenson, director of environmental issues at the GAO, said the report is available to government officials interested in the issue. "Anybody could pick this up and could hold hearings and use it for legislation," Stephenson said.

In a reply to the report, Thomas Dunne, an acting assistant administrator at the EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, wrote that he disagreed with the GAO recommendation that EPA should be responsible to draft the recycling financing legislation. Dunne wrote that "there is no consensus among manufacturers about what the best financing solution is to enable widespread electronics recycling."

Dunne also wrote that the EPA is unconvinced that mandatory participation in the Federal Electronics Challenge program is necessary since the program was just launched this year.