Some Cellular Jamming Should Be Legal


We also need a law that would allow state and local agencies to use jammers in specific circumstances, something the bill now under consideration does not do.

I won't go into the detail that Elgan does, but I believe law enforcement at all levels needs access to cellular jamming technology when its use is reasonably necessary to protect people's lives.

This is not a one cop=one jammer proposal. That would create mayhem as individual officers used the devices inappropriately. But, bomb squads, SWAT teams, and other special units should be able to use jammers to protect both themselves and us when it makes sense to do so.

Before you start sending me angry email, note that I am talking about public safety, not using jammers to deal with the clods who leave their phones on--and talk on them, usually loudly--in theaters, restaurants and sporting events. There are some things that should be left to angry mobs to handle.

If anyone can buy a jammer, it will be too easy for anyone to render cellular useless. So, I support the existing ban against possession and private ownership of such gear.