Software AG suite takes on SOA


Mediator -Service Orchestrator's previous name -it's difficult to know whether you've stumbled onto the description of a behavior that no longer exists or simply a spot in the documentation that a copy editor missed.

These are easily corrected problems, however. And despite its somewhat complex setup, crossvision's payoff comes in its ease of use. Working with Orchestrator Studio was straightforward; I had no difficulty modifying example sequences and deploying them to the crossvision Web site on my system.

Any organization with large volumes of information sequestered in disparate apps, or documents whose lifetimes do not reach past their trajectories from source to destination, would do well to examine Software AG's crossvision. Based on the exercises I put a portion of it through, I'd say it provides the whip you need to corral your documents, as well as all the morphing tools necessary to transform data from those documents into the formats your enterprise requires.

BOTTOM LINE: Software AG crossvision (CentraSite 2.1, Service Orchestrator 3.1, Service Orchestrator Studio

Company: Software AG,