So, You're Being Sued for Piracy


Though a settlement letter is not a lawsuit, it's still a good idea to contact an attorney.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has assembled a list of for people who have been contacted by their ISP or by a copyright troll. The list includes a number of lawyers in 33 states who will be willing to assist you, and who have experience with these types of cases. Neill, who is named on the EFF's list, recommends contacting a lawyer in your state or in the state in which you are being sued.

What's that? You've been contacted, but you have no idea what they're talking about? You've never downloaded a song or a movie in your life, and you use your computer only once a week?

Unfortunately, you should still contact an attorney. Even if you are truly innocent, you'll need someone to defend your innocence. Plus, copyright-troll groups are usually spearheaded by attorneys--U.S. Copyright Group, for example, is a business registered by the law firm .