Sites That Will Matter in 2009: Readers' Choice

Whenever we publish a story saying that a group of products, services or sites are All That TM, we get a wave of inevitable (and instructive) responses from readers doubting our sanity and/or nominating alternatives that should have been on our list.

Our recent feature called "" was no different. Many PC World readers actually lauded our picks for 2009's big sites, but they still submitted many other suggestions for sites that should have made the list.

I decided to go check out these sites that our readers say are All ThatTM. And some of them, I found, were pretty darn good.


Take the case of FindingDulcinea--a suggestion sent in by PC World reader EugeneO. is a news site that augments current stories with separate background information and analysis. Like any practitioner of good journalism, the site first explains the relevant facts, and then provides historical and ideological context for them. There's usually a separate section about a related issue; and in a sidebar, you'll find links to the sources used to build the whole enchilada. I like this site because I often happen upon interesting random news stories and wish that I knew more about the big picture they fit in. The Web Guides section provides the same sort of deep background on broader issues like "The U.S. Economy."

Verdict: Not the next , but the site operators will eventually be rewarded with a midsize Web audience of news addicts. FindingDulcinea has clear value as a teaching aid for kids, too. And gratuitous are all too rare on the Internet.