Silver Surfers are past it? Never!


But over the years they have become almost too knowledgeable. They can't work for some guy half or even two-thirds their age who doesn't have a clue. They really do know the answers or, if they don't, they know how to do the analysis to find out.

And when the Young Turks pick the latest and, in the opinion of the salesman they dealt with, greatest solution and ignore that the Silver Surfers who actually know BS when they see it and smell it, it's a standoff: Age against energy, knowledge versus belief, warranted cynicism over reckless enthusiasm, and, ultimately, pearls before swine.

So, if you are a CxO who gets to deal with IT in any way, keep in mind that the Silver Surfers may be old and wrinkled, they may be unwilling to work 16 hours a day, they may (occasionally … well, maybe often) be cranky and even rude when they think you're talking crap but, you know what? If they think you are talking crap when it comes to IT then you probably are and they are probably right.

The Silver Surfers have been there and back, around the block and up at the pointy end. And if you listen to them they'll save you money, waste far less time and make your life easier.

Gibbs, in Ventura, Calif., qualifies as a Silver Surfer. Your tales of heroism to