Showdown in Crazytown, featuring Steve Ballmer, Congress


Finally, I feel compelled to add an update to my item about obscure foodie journal Cooks Source and the Internet brouhaha that erupted over its dubious definition of "public domain" ("").

After (ahem) stewing over it for a few days, the anonymous entities behind for taking food blogger Monica Gaudio's copy and reprinting it without permission. They also honored her request to donate money to the Columbia School of Journalism in lieu of author payment. As for the other ? It's not exactly clear, but it appears Cooks Source editor Judith Griggs is blaming her contributors for submitting materials to the mag without appropriate permissions. (And if you believe that, I have a set of stainless steel Ginsu knives I'd like to sell you.)

The statement on the Cooks Source home page is one of the oddest items I've ever read. My favorite line: "Please know that none of the statements made by either Cooks Source or Judith Griggs were made by either our staff or her" -- which, I suppose, may or may not include the document featuring that very same line.

This wasn't the "we screwed up, we understand how we screwed up, and it won't happen again" statement Cooks Source really should posted, but it's about as close as we're likely to get. May it now fade back into well-deserved obscurity.

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