Security research labels more than 290,000 Google Play Android apps as 'high-risk'


* 84% feel Apple iOS is "more secure" than Android and 93% of respondents allow iOS to access their network. Only 77% allow Android devices, and in something of a surprise, 13% say they allow rooted Android or "jailbroken" devices onto their networks.

* 96% allowing personal devices also allow employees to access email using the device, while 85% allow access to company calendar data.

The potential for trouble in all this, according to Bit9, is that apps that can access all this user data could become the open door for hackers to exploit in the future.

Ellen Messmer is senior editor at Network World, an IDG publication and website, where she covers news and technology trends related to information security. Twitter: @MessmerE. Email:

in Network World's Wide Area Network section.