Scary new tech fears to haunt your Halloween


Call it "triumph of the nerds." High school is seen by many as one giant, endless contest between "jocks" -- outgoing, athletic, popular kids who excel in sports and cheerleading -- and "nerds" brainier kids who are more introspective, get better grades and enjoy comics, technology, and fandom more than sports.

If one commentator is to be believed, according to comments in forums, . Videogames are apparently transforming the kind of competitive, aggressive kids who would normally excel at football and other sports into soft, flabby indoor types who play fake games on gaming consoles instead of real games in stadiums, fields and courts. The jocks are becoming nerds.

A suggests that ordinary cell phones are shaping up to be the Mother of All Privacy Violators.

First, the article points out, much of the private data, financial data, SMS messages and other personal information you think you've deleted from your phone may still reside on your phone's SIM card. If you lose the phone, someone with even moderate skills could read the deleted data using well-known forensic techniques and software.