Samsung allegedly threatens to strand bloggers in Berlin


According to FTC guidelines, bloggers and prominent social media types , or any paid endorsements to their readers. This is to ensure that the public at large is not mislead by positive reviews that may have been subtly, or not-so-subtly, paid for.

Social quid pro quo

Some of the less-subtle cases include a 2010 Ann Taylor campaign, which offered prominent fashion bloggers . The blogger-preview event offered gift cards, with a minimum value of $50, to bloggers who posted about the event and sent their post to Ann Taylor's publicist within 24 hours. Another case in 2007 involved to bloggers. The bloggers were given the option of returning the hardware after they reviewed it, or keeping the hardware -- though Microsoft claimed it had "no expectations" of positive reviews.

Far further down the blogging food chain are other equally murky questions to be asked about tweeting and Facebook "liking" in exchanges for rewards and chances to win prizes. In May publicists for the upcoming film asked fans to and re-tweet their tweets along with and sharing posts. In exchange you might be selected as an extra in the movie and be flown out to Los Angeles along with a friend.

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