RIAA says Google piracy policies are lacking


Buckles accused Google of limiting the daily number of URL takedown requests that copyright holders can make using an automated Google tool. He also claimed that Google does nothing to prevent the fast creation of new links to infringing files.

For example, Buckles cites a website containing over 300 separate unauthorized copies of the same song that continues to be available via Google search despite several RIAA takedown notices.

"If 'take down' does not mean 'keep down,' then Google's limitations merely perpetuate the fraud wrought on copyright owners by those who game the system under the [Digital Millennium Copyright Act]," he said.

The RIAA's ability to find infringements is limited to what Google wants to show the trade body, contends an RIAA source who asked not to be named. "Our ability to send notices on those infringements is limited to a number they've come up with. One limitation leads to the next limitation. None of which is mentioned in its Transparency Report," the RIAA source said.

A Google spokeswoman today said the company doesn't impose limits on the number of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices that a copyright owner or reporting organization can submit.