Remains of the Day: Tim of your life


The EFF has published a piece arguing against Apple's plans to further lock down its platforms, describing the company's technologies as "beautiful crystal prisons." Which are a total bummer--just ask .


In case reading or wasn't enough, now you can catch video highlights of Tim Cook's appearance at the D10 conference. And maybe, just maybe, if you freeze-frame the video, replay it at 1/32nd of the speed, and zoom in enhance, you'll see the glint in his eye that represents the Apple HDTV.

- You can now create, edit, and view iCal and iOS reminders in Fantastical; the "create" part takes advantage of Fantastical's natural-language input skills, so you can type, "Remind me to wash the car," and it'll know to create a reminder. Also, when using the app with Outlook, editing or deleting an event that has invitees will now send them an update note.