Remains of the Day: Smaller and smaller


If you happened to be wandering through the city of Terrassa, Spain recently, you might have come across a surprising sight: a life-size version of Angry Birds. You can lay responsibility at the feet of the game's producer, Rovio, and carrier Deutsche Telekom, who were behind the promotional stunt, but I prefer to imagine it as kind of a reverse scenario.

(Edible Apple)

The iPad isn't just for fun; it actually changes the way some people live. Take the example of Evelyn O'Brien, who's suffered from macular degeneration, a deteriorative eye disorder that robs people of their sight. But now, with the iPad, O'Brien can actually zoom in enough see things, like her kids' faces. Incredible.

- Byte Squared's office document tool for iPad has reached version 4.0, adding support for creating, editing, and saving PowerPoint documents. In addition, a handful of bugs have been fixed. $8.