Remains of the Day: Happy birthday to us


Like Amazon--or, at least, --Google didn't seek licenses from the music industry before launching its service. But because Apple supposedly trying to work with the labels, its rumored forthcoming music locker service will apparently be able to do things by mere mortals. me out, here, CNet? You've got nothing? Great. Thanks a bunch.

(The Loop)

Sometimes one lawsuit just isn't enough. Lymaris M. Rivera Diaz has filed suit in the United States District Court for the District Of Puerto Rico against not just Apple, but also music service Pandora and The Weather Channel, alleging that they all intercept personal data, such as location. How dare you, Weather Channel! Providing forecasts for . For


Apple has at long last released the open-source code contained in the latest version of iOS, 4.3.3. That should put to rest concerns that the company was . And here I was starting to picture Apple as Harrison Ford in . (The Tommy Lee Jones role being played, naturally, by .)